Privacy & Legal

Privacy Policy
MV Agusta Motor S.p.A., its branch offices and related affiliates (jointly and separately referred to as ''MV Agusta'') will handle your personal and sensitive information with great care, because we respect the privacy of our customers and visitors of our Sites and any other digital platform managed and/or owned by MV Agusta. This Privacy Policy, which forms an integral part of the Legal Statement, sets forth the privacy policy of MV Agusta pertaining to (the password protected areas of) all related corporate Sites of the affiliates of MV Agusta, which are linked to any of the Sites (collectively the "Sites" and separately the ''Site''), and any other digital platform managed and/or owned by MV Agusta such as mobile app and e-commerce store.

In relation to the processing of your Personal and Sensitive Data by MV Agusta and/or any its branch offices under the applicable data protection law, MV Agusta shall act as the Data Controller. Any questions, complaints or requests in respect of the data processing activities performed by MV Agusta and/or any its branch offices may be directed to MV Agusta. Please find the contact details of MV Agusta on the Site(s).
1. Personal and Sensitive Data
For purposes of this Privacy Policy, "Personal Data" means any information by which you can be personally identified, and includes, without limitation, your name, surname, address, (mobile) telephone number, e-mail address, age, birth date, gender, profession, product data and details, product preference, product satisfaction, language, drivers experience and other information clearly specified when the data are collected.

For purposes of this Privacy Policy "Sensitive Data" is limited to geolocation data, excluding any other Sensitive Data such as personal data revealing racial or ethnic origin, political opinions, religious or philosophical beliefs, trade-union membership, genetic data, biometric data processed solely to identify a human being, health-related data, data concerning a person’s sex life or sexual orientation, which will be not collected, used, and shared by MV Agusta and/or its affiliates.
2. Interactive Sections
For purposes of this Privacy Policy, “Interactive Sections” means all areas of the Sites any other digital platform managed and/or owned by MV Agusta such as mobile app, e-commerce store, which allow you to communicate with other visitors of the Sites or with MV Agusta by the means of forums, clubs, surveys, chat, e-mails and the like.
3. Direct Marketing
For purposes of this Privacy Policy, “Direct Marketing” means any direct communication between MV Agusta and you for the purpose of product and service information, customer profile building, customer satisfaction and personal customer care.
4. Processing of Personal and Sensitive Data
Our Privacy Policy governs the processing of your Personal and Sensitive Data, including but not limited to the collection, use, retention and security of information provided by you and/or gathered from you.

It is MV Agusta's policy to use your Personal Data only for the following specific purposes:  

Performing and Providing MV Agusta products and services, including warranty services;
Responding to inquiries and requests;
Sending notification and materials which may be of interest for you (such as newsletters, brochures and other mailings);
Direct Marketing analysis and offers;
Security guard, including access control and Improvement of our Site;
Internal evaluation of MV Agusta's products and services;
Knowledge acquisition for quality enhancement and improvement of merchandise;
Market research and other analysis for quality enhancement and improvement of merchandise;
Other purposes of use clearly specified at the time of obtaining Personal Data.
It is MV Agusta's policy to use your Sensitive Data, limited to geolocation data, only for the following specific purposes:

to calculate the routes and offer the end-to-end road directions service;
to show in real time the location within the MV Agusta’s mobile app and any other on-line tool such as dealer locator;
to ensure end-to-end driving directions capabilities while driving including background geolocation from the customer mobile device.
It is MV Agusta's policy to keep your Personal Data only for so long as needed for such purposes. Personal Data is stored for a certain period after the end of service provision or for a period necessary for fulfilling the obligations of laws and regulation.

Sensitive Data will be not stored by any MV Agusta data base and/or software and will deleted within and not later 48 hours starting the collection.

Without your prior consent Personal Data will not be used for Direct Marketing purposes. You may, if you wish, opt in on this service when providing personal information.

Without your prior consent Sensitive Data will not be used for geolocation related services and purposes. You may, if you wish, opt in on this service from your device.
We are also not responsible or liable for, and do not monitor, endorse or have any control over any third party's applications, websites or services used on our Sites, such as the social media platforms (e.g., Facebook) you may use to create an account and login to our Sites, including their accuracy, availability, functionalities, and applicable terms and policies, including their privacy and cookie policies. If you have any questions about the practices and policies of third parties, please review their corresponding terms and policies, and contact them.

You give your consent voluntarily and may revoke it at any time. If you withdraw your consent to us using the Personal and Sensitive Data that you have provided to us through then we will endeavor to delete such data from our databases, but if you withdraw your consent, this will not affect the lawfulness of our use of your Personal and Sensitive Data before your withdrawal. You can windrow your consent via the self-service (such as accounts page, customer portal) or via below address or email.
We work closely with certain third parties, including authorized other MV Agusta companies, carefully selected business partners, sub-contractors and, subject to your prior written consent, we might share your Personal Data with them.
MV Agusta does not sell, rent or otherwise distribute your Personal and Sensitive Data to third parties, except as needed for MV Agusta to provide the services for which your information was volunteered. We may share your Personal and Sensitive Data to any member of our group and authorized third parties working on behalf of MV Agusta. However, we will not use and share your Personal and Sensitive Data for any purpose that we have not previously disclosed to you. Processing on behalf of MV Agusta may be performed by its branch offices and affiliates and any other third parties, with whom MV Agusta concludes appropriate contracts to ensure compliance with the applicable Data Protection legislation. You can choose to create an account with us and login on our Sites by using your social media profile, such as Facebook and Google. If you use this option, we will process your name and email address, together with an account identifier, from your social media profile for the purposes of validating and authenticating your Account and logins, automatically filling in your account details, and enabling you to use all the features of our Sites. You can at any time delete your entire account via our Site, or remove this authorization via your profile on the website of your social media provider. You can find more information on the privacy settings of your social media profile and how you can withdraw authorization on the website of your social media provider. Please note that as a result of using your social media profile, the relevant social media provider will also process your personal data, including information on your access to our websites and/or apps. We have no control over and are not responsible for the processing of your personal data by such third party social media provider.

The Sites contain links to sites controlled by, and pages maintained by independent third parties. MV Agusta does not control use of information provided to such third parties and all such information will be governed by the third party's privacy policy.
MV Agusta is applying commonly used technology to safeguard your Personal and Sensitive Data from wrongful use. Only authorized personnel have access to your data. Should MV Agusta partners be carrying out part or all of MV Agusta web survey purposes MV Agusta has reached an agreement with them that they will handle your Personal Data with an equal level of strict confidentiality. The storage and sending of your data over the Internet is safeguarded by means of up-to-date, commonly used technology.
The data that we collect from you may be transferred to, and stored at, a destination outside the European Economic Area (“EEA”). If this happens then your data must, by law, be subject to a similar level of security as it would within the EEA. We take all steps reasonably necessary to ensure that your data is kept securely and handled in accordance with this privacy policy and all applicable laws. Including by concluding standard contractual clauses approved by the European Commission. You can contact us if you would like to receive more information on the measures we have taken to safeguard your information in this respect.
If we request consent for the processing of personal data, persons who have not reached the age of 16 may only provide Personal and Sensitive Data with the consent of their legal representative (e.g. a parent).
5. We may use cookies
Cookies are files or pieces of information that may be stored in your computer's hard disk drive when you visit our Site. We use cookies as a tool to allow us to customize your experience to better match your interests and preferences, or to simply facilitate your signing in to use the services. Most browsers are initially set to accept cookies. If you do not wish to accept cookies, you can set your computer to refuse cookies or to alert when cookies are being stored. If you refuse to use cookies, our ability to provide you with personalized services would be limited. Cookies cannot and will not be used to capture a respondents email address, obtain information from the hard drive or gain confidential or sensitive information about them. Additionally, cookies cannot be read by a website other than the one that sets the cookie. You can find our cookie policy and how we make use of cookies in detail here:




メール: [email protected]



MV Agustaは、自己の裁量により、本プライバシーポリシーの各部をいつでも変更、修正、追加および削除する権利を留保します。

8. その他

お客様がMV Agustaのウェブサイトにアクセスしたり、MV Agustaと電子的または物理的な方法でやり取りしたりした場合、当社は常にお客様に関する個人情報を取得または収集する可能性があります。

たとえば、お客様がアンケートに回答したり、ニュースレターに登録したりした場合、お客様の氏名、住所、年齢、職業のほか、MV Agustaの製品やサービスに関するご感想などの詳細を当社に提供する結果になる場合があります。

また、お客様が製品を購入したり、ニュースレターを受信するためにMV Agustaのアカウントを作成したりした場合にも、当社がお客様の情報を収集することがあります。

本サイトのいずれかにアクセスし、これらを利用することで、お客様は、本プライバシーポリシーに定める条件に明示的に同意したものとみなされます。当社は、お客様の関心や好みに合わせてお客様の体験をカスタマイズするための方法として、お客様を訪問者として識別する情報や、Cookieを使用します。また、この情報は、MV Agustaがウェブサイトの使用状況を把握するために、本プライバシーポリシーおよびCookie情報セクションの規定に従って分析されます。